Drilling Hocksjön Wind

Quarrying for the Hocksjön wind farm in Sollefteå

In the Hocksjön wind farm outside Sollefteå, Norrbottens Bergteknik has been commissioned to open a quarry and extract 200,000 tonnes of rock.

Hocksjön is located west of Sollefteå. The wind power project is backed by Jämtkraft and Person Invest.

Up to 30 wind turbines will be built on the site. The plant is expected to produce about 450 GWh/year of renewable energy, equivalent to the energy of about 90,000 households.

The facility is expected to be completed in 2022.

About the mission:

Lake Hocksjön
Hocksjön wind farm
Responsible for:
Rock excavation, drilling, blasting
Open a quarry in the area and extract 200,000 tonnes of rock.
Head of Department, Mikael Lund: +46 (0)70-346 26 40


+ 46 (0)929-109 10

Visiting address:

Löpevägen 16
SE-906 20, Umeå

Postal address:

Box 10
SE-942 21 Älvsbyn

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