Working against abuse


We endeavour to run Norrbottens Bergteknik in a long-term and sustainable way. We are therefore keen that misconduct or irregularities that can seriously damage the business or our employees are recognised and investigated as early as possible.

To simplify for those who want to provide information about misconduct or irregularities that violate current legislation, Norrbottens Bergteknik's Code of Conduct or other Norrbottens Bergteknik policies, we have a Whistleblower system.

This system allows employees and partners to provide information while being guaranteed total anonymity. All reports are received and investigated by an external organisation.

What abuses can be reported?
Through the whistleblower system, you can report misconduct within Norrbottens Bergteknik concerning:

  • accounting, internal accounting controls, auditing, bribery or other financial crime,
  • serious violations of Norrbotten Bergteknik's Code of Conduct, Financial Policy, Insider Policy, Sustainability Policy, Communication Policy, Internal Control Policy or,
  • other serious misconduct affecting Norrbotten Bergteknik's vital interests or the life and health of individuals.

Our whistleblowing system
Our whistleblowing system is an early warning system to mitigate risks. It is important to safeguard good corporate governance and maintain the trust of customers and the public in us. The service is open to employees, contractors, trainees, etc. at Norrbottens Bergteknik and to people with equivalent positions at Norrbottens Bergteknik's subcontractors and suppliers.

How to make a notification

You can find Norrbotten Bergteknik's whistleblowing system via the button below or the link:

Once you are in the whistleblowing system, you can choose whether you want to make your report orally in the system, in writing in the system or orally via a physical or digital meeting. A report can be made 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A report is always handled anonymously and with the utmost confidentiality. 

More information on reporting, processing of personal data, anonymity and handling of the report can be found in the Whistleblowing System.